PVC Aluminium & Timber Windows, Doors & Conservatories

uPVC & Aluminium Windows, Doors & Conservatories

About Grogan & Currid

Founded in 1994, we manufacture the complete range of glazing products in our modern 12,000 square foot factory. In recent years we have invested heavily in state-of-the-art machinery and technology to bring you the highest quality products on time.

Our products include PVC windows, doors and conservatories and Aluminium windows and doors

We maily cover counties Leitrim, Sligo, Roscommon, Cavan, Donegal and Dublin, but our services are available throughout Ireland.

The Factory

PVC Products in a range of colours:

Aluminium Products in any RAL colour:

Our customer base is huge and our products are installed nationally.

Some of our customers include the following.

Call Today On: 071 962 0873

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