PVC Aluminium & Timber Windows, Doors & Conservatories

uPVC & Aluminium Windows, Doors & Conservatories


All our windows come with full NSAI A-Rating (agrément certification).

Save energy, improve security and bring individuality to your home. We have several options for your requirements from double glaze to triple glaze.

Please call and consult our window designers who will be delighted to work with you and consider any ideas you may have.




Glass & Energy Saving

All our double and triple glazed windows are fitted with high insulation gas filled glass units giving excellent U-values and lowering fuel bills. Each opening is fitted with draught proofing seals inside and out providing a snug fit, which eliminates draughts and reduces noise. A 28mm double-glazed sealed unit provides further heat and noise insulation.

Double Glazing

Low emmisity coating forms the inner pane of a double glazed unit and allows less heat to escape through your windows. This energy saving, low emissity coating allows the sun's rays in and also reflects heat from fires and radiators back into your home. Thus you can turn your thermostat down and reduce your heating bill still further.

Glass For Security

Installing Grogan & Currid toughened/laminated glass will prevent glass being easily smashed. Similar glass is used in large shop windows.

Call Today On: 071 9620873

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